Thursday, September 1, 2016


Why does everyone have to be racist or discriminatory? I hate when people are described using words that are very disrespectful and hurtful. Words we commonly hear when they don't like someone's race or gender or ethnicity seem to get used a lot more often than we would like to hear.  My solution this problem is having everyone's vocal cords cut. If we cant talk then we'll just have to use sign language. They may try to say words using their hands, but it wouldn't come out the same as if we had heard the tone in someone's voice. If we cut the vocal cords in everybody's throat then the problem will be solved. If you're caught writing anything offensive, jail time. Any age, any race, any gender, you're gone, no second chances. Voices can make a difference because even the tone in someone's voice can sound threatening even when it wasn't meant to. If we can get this done, a lesson will be taught to the next generation and so on to discontinue this hateful use of language.

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