Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Vocab #3

1.catharsis- the process of releasing, and providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions
      1. I usually have a catharsis moment when I put under pressure.
2. taboo-prohibited or restricted by social custom
      2. Most upper class societies taboo profanity.
3. sordid-involving ignoble actions and motives: arousing moral distaste and contempt
      3. Knights were not sordid because they swore an oath to stay noble.
4. swindle- us deception to deprive (someone) of money or possessions
      4. Hustlers usually swindle tourists because they are vulnerable targets.
5. frivolous- not having any serious purpose or value
      5. I find that most homework assignments are frivolous.
6. inadvertently -without intention; accidently
      6. I inadvertently smashed the plate while washing dishes.
7. incendiary-(of  device or attack) designed to cause fires
      7. A lighter is incendiary.
8. jargon-special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand
      8. Doctors use jargon, but they go to school to learn specifically about it.
9. colloquialism-word or phrase that is not formal or literary, typically one used in ordinary or familiar conversation
      9. Colloquialism is often used by teenagers since their language barrier is limited.
10. archaism- a thing that is very old or old-fashioned
     10. Floppy disks are a form of archaism.
11. cudgel-a short thick stick used as a weapon
     11. I should keep a cudgel in my room for protection.
12. egregious-outstandingly bad; shocking
     12.  A student who talks back to the teacher is egregious.
13. anesthetize-administer an anesthetic to (a person or animal), especially so as to induce a loss of consciousness
     13. Veterinarians anesthetize animals before surgery.
14. euphonious-(of sound, especially speech) pleasing to the ear
     14. Pianos are euphonious because they are soothing/ calming.
15. scrupulous-(of a person or process) diligent, thorough, and extremely attentive to details
     15. My mom is scrupulous when it comes to cleaning the house.
16. perverted-(of a person or their actions) characterized by sexually abnormal and unacceptable practices or tendencies
     16. Some older men can be very perverted, while others are not.
17. superfluous- unnecessary, especially through being more than enough
      17. I find it superfluous when my sister gives me mean comments to a conversation she wasn't involved in.
18. Saxon-a member of Germanic people that inhabited parts of central and northern Germany from Roman times, many of whom conquered and settled in southern England in the 5th--6th centuries
      18. the name Saxon was modified when Germans occupied Great Britain to create Anglo-Saxons.
19. slovenly-(especially of a person or their appearance) messy and dirty
      19. My sister is slovenly when she wakes up early.
20. provocation-action or speech that makes someone annoyed or angry, especially deliberately
      20.  A form of provocation my sister uses is not cleaning up her mess, EVER.

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